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In December 1981, the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Medical Education (CME) officially recognized cardiovascular technology as an allied health profession.  Subsequently, organizations that had indicated an interest in sponsoring accreditation activities for the cardiovascular technologist were invited to appoint a representative to an ad hoc committee to develop Essentials.  Interested individuals were also invited to join the committee.

The ad hoc committee on development of Essentials for the cardiovascular technologist held its first meeting on April 29, 1982, in Atlanta, Georgia.  Twenty-one individuals attended the first meeting representing the following organizations: American College of Cardiology; American Medical Association; American Society of Echocardiography; American College of Radiology; American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers; Grossmont College, El Cajon, California; American Society of Radiologic Technologists; Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers; National Alliance of Cardiovascular Technologists; Society of Non-Invasive Vascular Technology; American College of Chest Physicians; American Cardiology Technologists Association; Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, Florida; and National Society for Cardiopulmonary Technology.

An initial draft of the proposed Essentials and Guidelines of an Accredited Educational Program in Cardiovascular Technology was developed as a result of this meeting.  Subsequent meetings were held to refine and polish the Essentials.  In September 1983, the committee members reached agreement on the Essentials.  The Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology (JRC-CVT) held its first meeting in November 1985 in preparation for its ongoing review of programs seeking accreditation in cardiovascular technology.

The following organizations initially adopted the Essentials and agreed to sponsor the JRC-CVT: American College of Cardiology, American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Radiology, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, American Society of Echocardiography, American Society of Cardiovascular Professionals, and Society for Vascular Ultrasound (formerly the Society of Vascular Technology and the Society of Noninvasive Vascular Technology). Subsequently, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine withdrew as a sponsor and the Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals and The North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysicology agreed to sponsor the JRC-CVT.  Currently, there are five sponsors of the JRC-CVT.


The Joint Review Committee on Education in Cardiovascular Technology (JRC-CVT) ensures the quality of educational programs through accreditation, provides guidance for existing programs, and fosters the development of new programs.











To foster excellence in Cardiovascular Technology and Sonography educational programs.